Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A little rant...

It's getting very very hard for me to keep waking up every day to go to my job...

You see, I've given so much to this job in the past 9yrs... only to have vac taken away (but i did get promoted so that's good and I have a boss that does work with me) and so much more.

1. I started working for the place I work at under a different company before. Pay wasn't that great but I needed money and they hired me. I really didn't have plans on staying at this place that long... 9yrs later i'm sitting here writing this... This company at least did things for my department and gave us lots of time off. Near the end I had almost a month of time total. We also got paid Over Time like crazy they didn't care as well as extra cash for report defects etc... But it came to a end in 2005.

2. The new company took over and took away many things... All of those days off of mine are gone and now I only have 10 days... No more parties, O/T, giving us things, cash for defects, etc...

3. The new management department treats us like dogs, since we're no longer a part of them (we were in-house when i first got there now we're a hired contract). They even blame us for missing 'toilet paper' claiming we are thieves. Even say we go into their frig and eat their stuff or mess with it. On one incident of the frig thing... 1 guy from their team told 1 of our guys that he was allowed to have left over pizza they had from a party earlier that day. So he had a slice... Next day the management team was in a uproar claiming that we stole pizza and went through their stuff and how we should pay for their 'pizza'. The guy that told our guy that he could didn't stand up at all and never said sorry or anything. Instead those f***ing cry babies got a new full pizza paid by the guy that ate the 1 slice.

4. They talk to us as if we're stupid and cut in many times on our conversions to put in their 2 cents which isn't worth shit. They tell us how to do our job but we even dare say 1 word they will get upset of course... During a fire in a large dumpster in a dock I was in command and in control. I had my guys blocking traffic, guys that ran and got me fire extinguishers, etc... and 1 from management had to come up to me and question why I had so many in the area? Lets see, 1 to block traffic, 2 were with me helping me put out this large fire which when the FD came out with their Chief, he requested back-up... so yes it was a large fire. And that guy never said sorry. There are hundreds of other incidents where they were wrong and never, never! have said sorry or anything because they are never wrong... never.

5. I would comment on some other things but due to what they involve of it may place some people in danger, etc... lets just say we run errands which we are not qualified.

6. I get 2 days off every week (rare times I do not, but I do get a extra day down the road). 1 time while on my normal days off a guy from management got upset because I wasn't there and wanted me to work all week without a day off. Of course I didn't do this but he wasn't happy that I had 'days off'. You see, I am 2nd head man, the 1st (my boss) was on vac and I'm supervisor on weekends so I do not have weekends off or else they will be short handed etc... So my days off are during the week day... this guy wasn't happy about that. He was rude and I can't remember word for word but it wasn't how someone in his position should of handled it.

7. I do a lot of things around the place. I do get some free meals, etc... but I do feel like i get taken advantage of and many (almost all) of my co-workers see this. I'm a nice hard working guy, so when they ask something of me I do it. Which could be a bad thing...

I'm always (or it seems and others see this too) asked first to cover for someone. I don't mind usually but after 9 years of it... yeah. I'm asked to stay over a lot, do errands a lot, work on computers (even outside of my department) a whole lot just because I know how to work on them, etc... I do a lot and after 9 years of all of this i'm getting tired of it...

8. Always shaving... I hate to shave. yes this might be a stupid thing and some say that I have too and its a way of life but come on man. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of not being able to be myself but being a puppet for this company. It even says it in our damn handbook both on and off work we gotta follow their guidelines! yes, off work I am not allowed to do anything that could be taken has neg feedback which makes the company look bad. So if I do a protest for anything, get drunk in public, get in a fight, the list goes on and on I can be fired, all while doing it off duty on my own time.

9. Pay raises hahahahahahaha that is all

10. "If you don't like it then quit" that's what your saying. I would love too, but you know what I can't. Its not like a fucking drug or something you can just quit... No, money is way worse then a drug... without it your life will be ruined... no place to live, no food (or very little), etc...

I got stuck in this job and I hate it more and more every year. I see others that been there way longer and how they aren't doing anything but working at this place. I don't want to become like them and stuck at this place. I want to do something with meaning, something that treats me better, a job that i'll enjoy for a long time.

I'm hurting for money really damn bad, close to losing a lot. So, i'm stuck working here being a puppet, treated like nothing by both the company and customers...

It takes a toll after 9 years of people beating you down every damn day... i'm not kidding its every day... 9 years of it.

I am a manic depressant and bi-polar and this is very damn hard for me to keep my head up and is getting harder.

Life isn't fair... that is true but we made it this way.

that is all for now... I can keep going into a very very long rant but I'll end it here.

please excuse any typos, errors, etc... because i'm not going to bother reading this... I'm most likely spend all night adding more to it if i do.

All I want is to live my life...

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