Friday, October 22, 2010

back from the...

well i'm not back from the dead (not sure how a zombie would be able to keep a blog) but i am back from being MIA from this blog.

I'm taking a little break from WoW, been so for a couple of months now, getting all rested up before the big expansion release coming up!!!

I have been doing another type of gaming in it's place... miniature war gaming with Warhammer 40k. I think i might be addicted haha. I'm playing with a Ork army, games been 1500 and 2000 points. I'm still learning a lot but getting it all down. Its really fun, both playing and painting your army.

In zombie news, who can't wait for 'The Walking Dead' tv show!!! I know I can't but have no fear its almost here! I also saw Resident Evil After Life a few weeks ago, not bad. It was a little better then the last but doesn't really reflect any of the games story like the others but I still enjoyed it. Also, Survival of the Dead is finally out! I saw it awhile back on Verizon fios, they had it on demand before you can see it in theaters and now its on DVD. I got the special edition (from Canada) and now my '.... Of the Dead' films are complete once again until GAR releases his next one. GAR said in a interview that he does plan on at least 2 more being made, hopefully.

If anyone out there still reads this blog, let me know by leave some comments. I am going to bring this blog back to life... just gotta do some dusting around here, its been awhile.

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